Monday, June 11, 2007


Hey folks! Welcome.

By way to introductions, I figured it would be beneficial to do a little explaining of what this blog is all about, what you can expect to find here, and why it exists in the first place. This quarter I've been in a political science class looking at mass media's role in the creation and distribution of information and the implications this has on American political life. For the final project, we've been asked to choose a topic - an issue - that interests us and investigate how the internet can be used as a political tool to further our political involvement.

The topic I chose (and this is straight from my proposal, people) is as follows:
As commercialism and privatization continue to be emerging areas of significant concern in education, I'm interested in ways citizens can, and are, pushing back to eliminate or regulate how corporations and businesses enter schools and what I can do to further those efforts.

As I've been wandering around the internet for ten weeks, looking to see what's available and what's missingconcerning this topic, I've begun to realize that while there is a lot of good information out there and while in some ways it's networked together, sometimes I get lost in the searching. So, as the research project for class is wrapping up, I've decided to take all the random here and there info and activism I've found and put it all in one, publically accessible place - this blog. At the least it will help me to chronicle my work, but at the best, it will help spark thought and conversation amongst us and others about this crucial issue.

I invite you to read the entries, check out for yourself what I'm talking about, and if you are as worried and pissed off as I am about this stuff, hopefully this blog will help you find some ways that you can get involved. And one of the easiest ways is to post comments and thoughts. Don't be silent. Let's get talking about this stuff.

Thanks for the read. Hit me back if you've got stuff to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,
This blog is a good idea. People should have a space to discuss these topics and put opinions out there. Good for you.